Reduce Operating and Environmental Costs of Thermal Power Generation System (INT-FAPERJ)
A third of the capacity of power generation in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil
comes from power plants. According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy,
the thermal power generation using coal corresponds to twenty-two plants
with an installed capacity of about 3.600MW. Considering the low quality
of Brazilian coal and low calorific value, large coal volume is required
to obtain adequate temperature conditions in thermoelectric generation
As a direct consequence, high pollutant emission rates to the
environment are present in the process, and increased wear on the metal
parts inside the boiler depending on the composition of the ash formed
by combustion of coal. This project aims to promote the training and
development of students and minimize environmental impacts and
mechanical caused by the high amount of fossil fuel. a detailed
investigation of CO2 transport and hydrodynamics present will be held in
the industrial process, and the use of specific metal coatings in
critical areas of boilers found in thermoelectric generation systems of
the State of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.