UFRJ/COPPE/PEM Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Technology Center, G Building
21941-914 Ilha do Fundão, RJ - Brazil Tel: +55 21 3938-8402 E-mail:
Comparison of 5 different channel width in two-phase flow thought a
sinusoidal channel. The figure shows how the channel walls may affect
bubble rising velocity. It can also be seen that the sinusoidal channel
affects significantly bubble shape.
Snapshot of 2-dimensional two-phase flow of an ascendent bubble. The
figure shows one stage of the interface mesh motion with the normal
component of the velocity (red) and tangent component of the velocity
(blue) for all interface nodes.
This is a comparison between 1st order and 2nd order time integration
for a Taylor air bubble flowing thru a sinusoidal channel. It can be
seen the difference of bubble shape for the same simulation time between
both temporal approaches.
A case with strong interface deformation is investigated. It
is described by the unstable situation of a heavy fluid resting upon a
lighter one in a gravitational field. The density ratio of the fluids is
0.1383 and their viscosities are equal. This case is two-dimensional and
no surface tension acts on the interface.
The figure shows bubble shape transition of the rising air bubble
immersed in sugar water solution. The numerical results were compared to
the widely cited experiments performed by Bhaga and Weber (1981). From
left to right, the viscosity of the liquid solution (dark brown color)
increases and thus the bubble shape changes.
Break-up of bubble in two-phase flow thought a sinusoidal channel. The
figure shows the pressure field of a taylor bubble about to break the
interface up. The colors represent the scale of pressure along the
bubble length, where the red color stands for higher pressure, while the
blue one represents low pressure.
Two-phase flow thought a microchannel. The figure shows the taylor
bubble flowing along the microchannel. It can be seen that the tail of
the bubble has a particular shape due to its motion.
Two-phase flow thought a sinusoidal channel. The figure shows the last
stage of the mesh manufacturing. It can be seen two distinct structures:
the channel and bubble’s meshes.
Visualization of surface (triangles) and background (tetrahedrons)
meshes for two-phase flows simulation of an air bubble in a water-sugar
solution using an 3D Finite Element Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian code.
The surface mesh is represented by interconnected triangular faces in
which a fully 3D vortex field distorts it. The surface mesh is initially
configured as a sphere and later assumes such a form. The field is then
reversed to recover the initial sphere shape.
Two-phase flow on a single vortex background flow. This benchmark is an
important tool to test the limits of the interface reconstruction.The
tetrahedral background mesh is colored by the magnitude of the vortex
field velocity.
Comparison between numerical solution of an axisymmetric sessile drop
and the exact solution of its shape derived by the Young-Laplace
equation of capillarity.
Single phase rotating disk flow. The boundary layer is shown decomposed
onto three orthogonal directions: x, y and z. The inflow comes from the
top while the outlow is set by the movement of the circular disk, where
the fluid is thrown out when approaches the plate.