- Multiphase/Two-Phase Flows
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Finite Element Method
- C/C++, Python, Matlab, LaTeX
- Scientific Computing
- journal on
Coalescence in Two-Phase Flow
- journal on
3D Two-Phase Flow
- journal on
Porous Media Flow
- journal on
Fluid-Struct Interaction
- journal on Numerical Method
- journal on
Numerical Two-phase flows
- journal on
Numerical Slug flows
- book on
Compressible Flows
- book on
Transport Phenomena
name: Gustavo R. Anjos
age: 44 years old
high school: CEFET-RJ
B.Eng.: UERJ
Professorship: COPPE/UFRJ
major: Prof. of Mechanical Engineering
CV: link to
code repository: github
orcid: 0000-0003-0687-8466
UFRJ: Federal University of Rio
COPPE: Graduate Program of UFRJ
MECH: Mechanical Department
VIR2AL: Virtual Institute
LabMFA: Lab Mech Fluids
GESAR : GESAR Laboratory
Andre Anjos : Signal
Processing Engineer
Alex Farah :
Gustavo Peixoto
: Num Methods Engineer
Americo Cunha : Applied Math
Vim : Text editor
Python : Programming language
Pelican : Web framework
TETGEN : Mesh generator
Paraview : Scientific visualization
PETSc : Scientific Computation Framework
GMsh : Mesh generator
Welcome to my professional webpage! Here you will discover my professional interests and what I'm currently working on. My research field is numerical simulation on single- and two-phase flows. During my doctoral studies, I'd been working on the discretization of the fluid motion equations and the modelling of interfacial forces through the Finite Element Method. The developed in-house numerical codes have been designed by modern and flexible object-oriented languages: (C++) and (Python) which allowed easy maintenance and further development. The Ph.D. thesis can be found here, which was selected to be among the 5-10% best thesis written at EPFL in 2012 (more info). From Aug. 2012 to Aug. 2013 I worked as a Post-Doc Associate in Nuclear Science & Engineering (NSE) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge/Boston area. The goal of the Post-Doc position was to benchmarking the boiling/condensation experimental database using a commercial front-capturing code available in the MIT group. In Sep. 2013 I have finally returned to Brazil as Post-Doc assistent sponsored by the brazilian agency CAPES/Science Without Borders - Young Talent Fellowship. In 2014 I become young professor at the Mechanical Engineering at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). In 2019 I've started a professorship position at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). I'm member of the graduate school of Mechanical Engineering at (COPPE), Young Researcher of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and currently awarded Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship (more info).